All services are currently being offered virtually, from the comfort of your own home across California, Nevada, and Colorado
Adult Individual Therapy
My job is to get you out of anxiety's clutches as quickly as possible and to teach you to manage your anxiety independently. In our first session, we will work collaboratively to prioritize your treatment goals, and I will provide an initial plan to reach these goals effectively and efficiently. Through our work together, you will build a toolbox of unique cognitive and behavioral strategies to address your specific concerns, and learn how to apply these practical tools to a variety of difficult situations. Whether we are actively solving problems or facing fears together with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), we will use real-life situations to help you to use your skills in the here-and-now. Then, we practice, practice, practice! After your initial symptoms reduce, we will likely have periodic maintenance sessions (every other week, once a month, once a year), rather than keeping you in long-term regular therapy. This will help you discover that you can handle whatever comes your way, both in life and in your relationship with anxiety.
Parent and Family Coaching and Consultation
For adults and children alike, anxiety, OCD and related concerns can present a unique set of challenges to their spouses, parents, and other family members. Loved ones are typically willing to do anything to support progress in treatment, but feel perplexed and hopeless in their attempts to break the cycles of avoidance. Fortunately, with the right training and psycho-education, family members can learn how to respond effectively to the child’s anxiety, stop inadvertently reinforcing their loved one's anxious thoughts and behaviors, and to encourage brave behavior, even in the face of fear. Throughout the course of treatment, our clients’ family members will gain an understanding of why attempting to protect their loved one from anxiety-provoking situations can be counterproductive, and they will learn practical tips on how to set healthy boundaries with anxiety. Together, we can help build a supportive and healthy connection for a stronger relationship.
Child and Teen Therapy
I understand just how much the anxiety, intrusive thoughts, compulsions, or behavior issues have impacted your entire family. Rest assured, we can and will create an effective treatment plan for your child. It can feel extra scary for kids to be asked to face their fears, and parent/caregiver involvement is crucial in children’s success in therapy. We cannot expect a child to hold themselves accountable to everything they are learning in therapy, so I will be in contact with you often and also have you join sessions to learn how make therapy effective between sessions. We want to make anxiety treatment as fun and motivating as possible for your kiddo, and we will likely start utilizing an engaging reward system right away. I work with kids age 10+, and welcome all genders.
Clinical Supervision and Consultation
I provide clinical consultation to behavioral healthcare providers, psychiatrists, primary care doctors, school personnel, and other professionals interested in learning about gold-standard treatment for anxiety, OCD, BFRF's and related disorders. I also offer clinical supervision to mental health clinicians working toward licensure and seeking specialized training in ERP and ACT.